Community is our Superpower

Powered by the team behind LifeScience ORG - the leading community of European life science CEOs - nextGEN currently upskills and educates 130+ pre-seed and seed stage founders.

We elevate the leadership journey of life science entrepreneurs

Imagine a Virtual Boston

We connect emerging entrepreneurs with thought leaders, experienced CEOs, investors, industry experts, and integrate founders into a dynamic, pan-European community of peers. nextGEN fosters invaluable relationships and encourages founders and CEOs to share critical insights.

    • A digital platform providing weekly live workshops

    • Sharing member case studies and curated reads

    • Confidential peer-to-peer exchange

    • Building relationships across Europe and the U.S.

    • Upskilling entrepreneurs to become leaders and company builders

    • A hub that provides learning and fosters collaboration

“The nextGEN @LifeScience ORG founder community platform perfectly complements our own pre-seed start-up support in the life science sector, providing our biotech founders with sector specific information from senior industry experts and peer exchange opportunities relevant for a successful start and advancement of their start-up.”

- Ulrich Mahr, Head of Start-Up and Portfolio Management, Max-Planck-Innovation GmbH

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